Source code for bertlv

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Python library for BER-TLV en-/decoding.

Versioning scheme:
from typing import BinaryIO, Optional, Union

from . import config, generator, parser
from .tree import Tree

__version__ = "0.7.0"
__author__ = "Philip Schömig"

[docs]def tree_from_binary(source: Union[bytes, BinaryIO]) -> Tree: """Parse a TLV tree from binary data and return the resulting `Tree`.""" parser_instance = parser.BinaryParser() try: return parser.parse_bytes(source, parser_instance) except TypeError: return parser.parse(source, parser_instance)
[docs]def tree_from_xml(source: Union[bytes, BinaryIO]) -> Tree: """Parse a TLV tree from XML data and return the resulting `Tree`.""" parser_instance = parser.XmlParser() try: return parser.parse_bytes(source, parser_instance) except TypeError: return parser.parse(source, parser_instance)
[docs]def tree_to_binary(source: Tree, file: BinaryIO = None) -> Optional[bytes]: """Generate binary data of a TLV tree and return it or write it to *file*. If *file* is ``None`` return the `bytes` otherwise write data to *file*. """ generator_instance = generator.BinaryGenerator() if file: generator.generate(file, source, generator_instance) return None return generator.generate_bytes(source, generator_instance)
[docs]def tree_to_text(source: Tree, file: BinaryIO = None) -> Optional[bytes]: """Generate a text dump of a TLV tree and return it or write it to *file*. If *file* is ``None`` return the `bytes` otherwise write data to *file*. """ data = source.dump().encode(config.encoding) if file: file.write(data) return None return data
[docs]def tree_to_xml(source: Tree, file: BinaryIO = None) -> Optional[bytes]: """Generate XML data of a TLV tree and return it or write it to *file*. If *file* is ``None`` return the `bytes` otherwise write data to *file*. """ generator_instance = generator.XmlGenerator() if file: generator.generate(file, source, generator_instance) return None return generator.generate_bytes(source, generator_instance)