"""Module containing utility functions"""
import os
import re
import xml.dom.minidom
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from xml.etree import ElementTree
class XmlSettings:
"""XML settings as expected by the method :obj:`~xml.dom.minidom.Node.toprettyxml()`."""
indent: str = " "
"""Specifies the indentation string."""
newl: str = os.linesep
"""Specifies the string emitted at the end of each line."""
encoding: str = "utf-8"
"""Specifies the encoding to use for the output."""
[docs]def xml_prettify(string: str, settings: XmlSettings = XML_SETTINGS_DEFAULT) -> bytes:
"""Return a pretty-printed XML byte-string for the raw XML string. """
# Remove whitespace between XML elements
string = re.sub(r">\s+<", "><", string)
document = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(string)
return document.toprettyxml(**asdict(settings))
[docs]def xml_prettify_element(
element: ElementTree.Element, settings: XmlSettings = XML_SETTINGS_DEFAULT
) -> bytes:
"""Return a pretty-printed XML byte-string for the element. """
string = ElementTree.tostring(element, settings.encoding).decode(settings.encoding)
return xml_prettify(string, settings)
[docs]def xml_text2hex(element: ElementTree.Element) -> bytes:
"""Return a byte-string from the hexadecimal element text. """
text = "".join(element.text.split())
if len(text) % 2 == 1:
text = text.rjust(len(text) + 1, "0")
return bytes.fromhex(text)